
0160 Curtain Fire Damper

The 0160 series curtain fire dampers are designed to stop the spread of fire through ductwork, walls and floors in ventilation systems. When the fusible link reaches elevated temperature, it releases interlocking blades closing the damper by locking into the blade ramp sealing the damper closed.

With the introduction of Construction Product Regulation on the 1st July 2013 all fire dampers are required to meet the product standard BS EN 15650. To achieve this standard the damper has to be tested to BS EN 1366-2 dynamic fire test. The dampers are then classified to BS EN 13501-3 that clearly states the integrity of the damper also in the way that damper was installed in the furnace. The standard also now included testing of fusible link to ISO 10294-4 that comprises of a dynamic release and holding tests.

The biggest change in the current Building regulations Part B and Section 7 and the CPR is fire dampers have to be CE marked and that the dampers must be installed as tested.

The maximum single section unit tested was 1000mm x 1000mm for both the HEVAC and AFS frame. For multi-section the largest size tested is 2000mm x 2000mm in a wall and 1000mm x 1000mm in a floor both with AFS installtion.

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